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  • Mitral valve disease is often one of the earliest indicators of heart disease that could lead to heart failure. It is more common in small dogs than large breeds. This handout discusses mitral valve disease in dogs, a degeneration of the valve between the left atrium and left ventricle. The clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment, and the prognosis of this condition are outlined.

  • This handout summarizes the normal function of the dog heart, and outlines the abnormalities and changes associated with degeneration of the four different valves found in the heart. An explanation is provided of clinical signs associated with valve disease, as well as the recommended tests and treatments for this condition. Staging of heart disease is also discussed.

  • Endocarditis is an infection of a heart valve, most often affecting the mitral or aortic valve. It can arise any time that bacteria enter the bloodstream, though it is more common when the heart valve has already been damaged for some other reason. This handout discusses the causes, clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of this condition.

  • Endocarditis is an infection of a heart valve, most often affecting the mitral or aortic valve. It can arise any time that bacteria enter the bloodstream, though it is more common when the heart valve has already been damaged for some other reason. The clinical signs of endocarditis are often nonspecific in the early stages, but may progress to include signs of heart failure later in the course of the disease. The diagnosis and treatment of endocarditis can present a challenge, requiring multiple tests and prolonged courses of antibiotic therapy.

  • This handout discusses what a heart murmur is, how it is diagnosed, what recommended tests are advised to determine the underlying cause, and potential treatments or monitoring that should be undertaken when a murmur is detected in your dog.

  • Aortic stenosis (or a narrowing involving the aortic valve) is a less common heart disease that has a higher incidence in some breeds. Dogs may not show clinical signs if they are mildly affected to more severely affected patients showing signs of heart dysfunction. Diagnostic imaging is needed to determine the severity and prognosis for each individual patient. Medications are the mainstay treatment but for some patients surgical procedures may be considered.

  • Aortic stenosis is a heart disease that is present at birth. Cats affected with aortic stenosis have a narrowing at the aortic valve of the heart. The clinical signs of aortic stenosis vary depending on how severe the stenosis is; some cats remain asymptomatic throughout their life, while other cats begin showing clinical signs at an early age and can experience sudden death. The treatment of aortic stenosis depends upon the severity of the condition.

  • A heart murmur is an abnormal sound that originates from the heart valves and can be heard with a stethoscope skillfully placed over the heart valves.

  • Energetic and playful, the American Water Spaniel loves kids and makes a great companion for active people. They enjoy investigating, running, hunting, fetching, and swimming. This sporting breed likes to keep moving and needs lots of exercise, but isn't as gregarious as more familiar spaniels like Springers and Brittanys.

  • The aristocratic but playfully affectionate Cavalier King Charles Spaniel looks like he leapt straight out of a Renaissance painting. Sweet and docile, cuddly and adaptable, Cavaliers can be anything you want them to be.