Congestive Heart Failure in Dogs
La insuficiencia cardiaca es la incapacidad del corazón para mantener un aporte de sangre suficiente para satisfacer las necesidades del organismo. Una insuficiencia cardiaca suele reflejar un fallo del músculo cardiaco (insuficiencia miocárdica), que puede afectar al ventrículo izquierdo o al derecho.
Cyanosis is a bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes of the body caused by inadequate oxygen levels. Cyanosis is an emergency, and the root cause may be life-threatening and may or may not be reversible. Once back home, homecare instructions must be followed carefully.
Bladder stones are rock-like formations of minerals that develop in the urinary bladder. All stones form because of disease or inflammation in the bladder. The most common signs in cats are bloody urine and straining to urinate. X-rays (with or without contrast dyes) or ultrasound may be necessary for diagnosis. The fastest way to remove bladder stones is via a surgical procedure called a cystotomy. Special diets or passing a catheter may be successful for some bladder stones. Your veterinarian will advise you of the best course of action for your cat's situation.
Atrial fibrillation describes very rapid contractions or twitching of the heart muscle, specifically in the atria. Most of the time, atrial fibrillation in cats occurs secondary to heart disease. Sometimes, in large breed cats, atrial fibrillation will occur as a primary heart problem. Most cats who develop atrial fibrillation have underlying heart disease, so the signs that are observed are often related to that underlying condition, and may include exercise intolerance, cough, or difficulty breathing. Treatment varies depending on whether the pet has primary or secondary atrial fibrillation. Your cat will need to be monitored on a regular basis.